The Budget Couple

We are the Budget Couple. We make a bi-weekly podcast that talks about life, family, and how to afford it. Join us on our budgeting journey as we explore the keys to budgeting, personal finance, and more.

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Episode 7: Retirement Part 2

In this episode, we talk about our numbers and where we plan to be when we retire.

Show Notes

Quick disclaimer: We are not investment or retirement specialist. We have no certifications in this area. We are speaking from our experience and research. Please consult someone with the proper credentials as we are only speaking from our experience.

Retirement is a long term game. Budget your money for retirement so that you can have many multiples more than what you invested in when you retire.

Do not invest in retirement if you have massive debt. Home and possibly car debt are fine, but otherwise, you should try to pay off your debts as quickly as possible.

Roth IRA Calculator

401K/403B Calculator

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